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Quantifying acromiohumeral distance in elite male field hockey players compared to a non-athletic population
The effect of five isometric exercises on glenohumeral translations in healthy subjects and patients with the hypermobility type of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) or hypermobility spectrum disorder (HSD) with multidirectional shoulder instability : an observational study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The effect of shoulder muscle fatigue on acromiohumeral distance and scapular dyskinesis in women with generalized joint hypermobility
Relationship between extrinsic factors and the acromio-humeral distance
Acromiohumeral distance and 3-dimensional scapular position change after overhead muscle fatigue
Acromiohumeral distance during neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscles in healthy participants
Quantifying acromiohumeral distance in overhead athletes with glenohumeral internal rotation loss and the influence of a stretching program