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Temperature responsive × fast chiral comprehensive liquid chromatography : a nNew 2D-LC platform for resolving mixtures of chiral isomers
State-of-the-art quantification of polymer solution viscosity for plastic waste recycling
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Enhancing the possibilities of comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography through hyphenation of purely aqueous temperature-responsive and reversed-phase liquid chromatography
Numerical study and theoretical performance limit of interconnected multi-capillary gas chromatography columns with perfectly ordered pillar patterns
Ultra-high performance size-exclusion chromatography in polar solvents
A helicopter view of microwave application to chemical processes : reactions, separations, and equipment concepts
The influence of ionic strength and osmotic pressure on the dewatering behaviour of sewage sludge
Chiral capillary electrochromatography on a vancomycin stationary phase
Determination of ions, amino acids/amines in the haemolymph of fairy shrimps by capillary electrophoresis with indirect UV and laser-induced fluorescence detection