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Successful treatment of a severely contaminated open metatarsophalangeal joint luxation by arthrodesis
Nach Schätzen tauchen in der Stadt
Impact of angiosome targeted femorodistal bypass surgery on healing rate and outcome in chronic limb threatening ischaemia
Free flaps for lower limb soft tissue reconstruction in children : systematic review
Role of negative pressure therapy as damage control in soft tissue reconstruction for open tibial fractures
Importance and outcome relevance of central pathology review in prostatectomy specimens : data from the SAKK 09/10 randomized trial on prostate cancer
Pedicle digital pad transfer and negative pressure wound therapy for reconstruction of the weight-bearing surface after complete digital loss in a dog
Robot-assisted salvage extended pelvic lymp node dissection in prostate cancer
Prophylactic chimera anterolateral thigh/vastus lateralis flap: preventing complications in high-risk head and neck reconstruction
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