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The Etruscan family : a qualitative and quantitative approach to Hellenistic burials and epigraphy
(2022) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Funerary transformations in an Etrusco-Italic community : social display and austerity in hellenistic Chiusi
Imperial identities in the Roman world
Andries Johan Zuiderhoek (UGent) and Wouter Vanacker (UGent)(2017) -
Introduction : imperial identities in the Roman world
La céramique non tournée en Gaule du Nord: typo-chronologie, usages, approches économiques et culturelles (Ier s. av. n. è. - IVe s. de n. è.)
(2016) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Lokale gemeenschappen in het Imperium Romanum: transformaties in de rurale bewoningsstructuur en de materiële cultuur in de landschappen van het noordelijk deel van de civitas Menapiorum (Provincie Gallia-Belgica, ca. 100 v. Chr. – 400 n. Chr.)
(2009) -
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Magistrates, patrons and benefactors of voluntary associations: status building and Romanisation in the Spanish, Gallic and German Provinces of the Roman Empire