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Trait–micro‐environment relationships of forest herb communities across Europe
Long-term grassland diversity-productivity relationship regulated by management regimes in northern China
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Fourfold increase in climate contributions to grassland soil organic carbon variabilities and its policy implications
What entices older adults to parks? Identification of park features that encourage park visitation, physical activity, and social interaction
Does motivation predict changes in academic achievement beyond intelligence and personality? A multitheoretical perspective
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A teacher like me? Different approaches to examining personality similarity between teachers and students
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Stochastic and deterministic processes regulate phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate coastal ecosystem
- Journal Article
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Context matters : the landscape matrix determines the population genetic structure of temperate forest herbs across Europe
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Dual response of Arabian Sea cyclones and strength of Indian monsoon to Southern Atlantic Ocean
Conditional permutation importance revisited