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Cognitive modelling of concepts in the mental lexicon with multilayer networks : insights, advancements, and future challenges
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- open access
Suspicion of ADHD by teachers in relation to their perception of students’ cognitive capacities : do cognitively strong students escape verdict?
Within-person personality variability in the work context : a blessing or a curse for job performance?
Training speech pathology students in the perceptual evaluation of speech in patients with cleft palate : reliability results and the students' perspective
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- open access
Which words do English non-native speakers know? New supernational levels based on yes/no decision
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- open access
The Lancaster Sensorimotor Norms : multidimensional measures of perceptual and action strength for 40,000 English words
Employability and innovative work behaviour in small and medium-sized enterprises
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Learning English through out‐of‐school exposure : how do word‐related variables and proficiency influence receptive vocabulary learning?
Clinical application of a new approach to identify oral-nasal balance disorders based on nasalance scores
Word prevalence norms for 62,000 English lemmas