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Track prejudice in Belgian secondary schools : examining the influence of social-psychological and structural school features
- Journal Article
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- open access
Local civil society organisations’ appreciation of different local policy decision-making instruments
- Journal Article
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On the use of balanced item parceling to counter acquiescence bias in structural equation models
When quantitative measures become a qualitative storybook : a phenomenological case analysis of validity and performativity of questionnaire administration in psychotherapy research
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Does age matter? Examining career commitment as a moderator in the relationship between age-related HR/D practices and subjective career success for younger versus older academic staff
Exploring pre-service teachers’ beliefs and practices about two inclusive frameworks : Universal Design for Learning and differentiated instruction
Human resource practices accompanying industry 4.0 in European manufacturing industry
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A social ecological approach to hazardous alcohol use among Flemish higher education students
Associated factors of hope in cancer patients during treatment : a systematic literature review
The effectiveness of bedside handovers : a multilevel, longitudinal study of effects on nurses and patients