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Dislocazioni a destra interrogative tra grammatica e discorso
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Strategic use of observer-perspective questions in couples therapy
Are we allowed to tinker with (human) DNA? Addressing socioscientific issues through philosophical dialogue - the case of genetic engineering
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Effect of lactic acid fermentation on volatile compounds and sensory characteristics of mango (Mangifera indica) juices
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Moses or Noah? A case of ‘potato-potahto’ when using a foreign language
Charles Ives and the Lied : modelling in Ives’s early German song repertory
Local voters have their reasons : mapping voting motives in local elections in Belgium
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Behind the scenes : what is parliamentary performance and how can we measure it?
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Discourse markers and turn-planning at the pragmatics-prosody interface : the case of allora in spoken Italian
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Making sure that orphan incentives tip the right way in Europe