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Driving change: A comprehensive meta-analysis of community benefits in MaaS deployments across urban and rural landscapes
Public transport responses to COVID-19 in the United States
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Publishing public transport data on the Web with the Linked Connections framework
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Urban sprawl and home-delivered services : an exploratory analysis of spatial variations of cost and quality in Flanders (Belgium)
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Promoting the integrated use of bikeshare and metro : a focus on the nonlinearity of built environment effects
Exploring satisfaction with air-HSR intermodal services : a Bayesian network analysis
Do passengers feel convenient when they transfer at the transportation hub?
Exploring non-linear built environment effects on the integration of free-floating bike-share and urban rail transport : a quantile regression approach
Examining equity in accessibility to multi-tier healthcare services across different income households using estimated travel time
Exploring year-to-year changes in station-based bike sharing commuter behaviors with smart card data