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The life cycles of counterfactual mood in Indo-European languages : the inherited counterfactual functions of the optative and its replacements through time
The Vedic root variants of the type CaC // C(C)ā : formal patterns and transitivity types (Indo-Aryan evidence for the Indo-European Schwebeablaut and laryngeal root extension)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The origin of non-canonical case marking of subjects in proto-indo-European : accusative, ergative, or semantic alignment
Proto-Indo-European syntax and its development
Leonid Kulikov (UGent) and Nikolaos Lavidas(2015) 75. -
Reconstructing passive and voice in Proto-Indo-European
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
The vedic root variants of the type CaC // C(C)ā: morphophonological features and syntactic patterns
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Vedijskie korni tipa CaC // C(C)ā: morfonologičeskie modeli i sintaksičeskaja orientirovannost' glagolov (K diaxroničeskoj tipologii kategorii perexodnosti)
Evolution of case systems
Case in decline
- Book Chapter
- open access
The Vedic type patáyati revisited: semantic oppositions, paradigmatic relationships and historical connections