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Nonlinear mediation analysis with high‐dimensional mediators whose causal structure is unknown
Disentangling indirect effects through multiple mediators without assuming any causal structure among the mediators
Begin-of-school-year perceived autonomy-support and structure as predictors of end-of-school-year study efforts and procrastination : the mediating role of autonomous and controlled motivation
Regional analysis of groundwater phosphate concentrations under acidic sandy soils : edaphic factors and water table strongly mediate the soil P-groundwater P relation
- Journal Article
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- open access
Gender differences in the ICT profile of University students : a quantitative analysis
Motives for consumer choice of traditional food and European food in mainland China
- Journal Article
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- open access
A holistic model to infer mathematics performance: the interrelated impact of student, family and school context variables
- Journal Article
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- open access
The informed society: an analysis of the public's information-seeking behavior regarding coastal flood risks
Lavaan: an R package for structural equation modeling
Climatic, edaphic and altitudinal factors affecting yield and toxicity of Lathyrus sativus grown at five locations in Ethiopia