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Child and parent risk and resilience factors as predictors of long-term recovery in youth undergoing spinal fusion surgery
Validation of the French youth psychopathic traits inventory-short version in a general population sample of emerging adults in France
Self-regulation profiles in addictive behaviors among adolescents : a transdiagnostic approach
The development of the Broaching Assessment Scale : a client-rated measure of therapists’ broaching behaviour in clinical counselling
An interdisciplinary multimodal integrative healthcare program for chronic spinal pain and comorbid mental disorders
- Journal Article
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- open access
Assessment tools used to measure postoperative behavioral changes in children, a narrative review
Parental narrative style moderates the relation between pain-related attention and memory biases in youth with chronic pain
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Neural mechanisms underlying attentional bias modification in fibromyalgia patients : a double-blind ERP study
The methodological testing of upper limb proprioception : the relationship between upper limb proprioception, pain, and attentional interference
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and validity of the Impact of Events Scale - Revised in primary care in Zimbabwe, a non-war-affected African country