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A shared temporal window of integration across cognitive control and reinforcement learning paradigms : a correlational study
Cortical generators and connections underlying phoneme perception : a mismatch negativity and P300 investigation
Dynamic changes in task preparation in a multi-task environment : the task transformation paradigm
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Investigating the variability of prefrontal tDCS effects on working memory : an individual E-field distribution study
Unravelling the origin of reward positivity: a human intracranial event-related brain potential study
From long-term to short-term : distinct neural networks underlying semantic knowledge and its recruitment in working memory
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Transcranial direct current stimulation versus intermittent theta-burst stimulation for the improvement of working memory performance
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Task-independent neural bases of peer presence effect on cognition in children and adults
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Dissociation and integration of outcome and state uncertainty signals in cognitive control
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Adaptive coding of stimulus information in human frontoparietal cortex during visual classification