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The development of Criterion A personality pathology : the relevance of childhood social functioning for young adult daily self-functioning
Therapists’ responses toward dependent (anaclitic) and self-critical (introjective) depressed outpatients : a multilevel approach
Assessing maladaptive traits in youth: an English-language version of the dimensional personality symptom itempool
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Antecedents of personality disorder in childhood and adolescence: toward an integrative developmental model
Integrating oddity traits in a dimensional model for personality pathology precursors
The child behavior checklist dysregulation profile predicts adolescent DSM-5 pathological personality traits 4 years later
Validation of the FFM PD count technique for screening personality pathology in later middle-aged and older adults
The joint hierarchical structure of adolescent personality pathology: converging evidence from two approaches to measurement
General and maladaptive personality dimensions in pediatric obsessive-compulsive symptoms
General and maladaptive traits and anger in a combined forensic psychiatric and general population sample