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Suspicion of ADHD by teachers in relation to their perception of students’ cognitive capacities : do cognitively strong students escape verdict?
The impact of parental presence on their children during painful medical procedures : a systematic review
'What’s high school got to do with it?' Secondary school composition, school-wide social capital and higher education enrollment
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Can the youth materialism scale be used across different countries and cultures?
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Survey research with families in the context of pediatric chronic health conditions : key considerations and future directions
Why visiting one’s ageing mother is not enough : on filial duties to prevent and alleviate parental loneliness
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Pre-intervention effects of a community-based intervention targeting alcohol use (LEF) : the role of participatory research and publicity
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The social context of early adolescents in the Global Early Adolescent Study
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Parental factors influencing postoperative pain in children : a systematic review
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Exploring contraception myths and misconceptions among young men and women in Kwale County, Kenya