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Nassellarian polycystine radiolarians observed in sediment traps from the southern Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean)
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A lake at the Mt. Fuji (Lake Motosu) recording prolonged negative Arctic Oscillation as reduction of aeolian dust due to westerly pathways during the Holocene
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Phaeocystis globosa and diatom blooms promote distinct bacterial communities and associations in a coastal ecosystem
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WATERHYPERNET : a prototype network of automated in situ measurements of hyperspectral water reflectance for satellite validation and water quality monitoring
Ice-nucleating particle concentration impacts cloud properties over Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, in COSMO-CLM²
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Marine biodiversity exposed to prolonged and intense subsurface heatwaves
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Micro- and nanoplastics transfer from seawater to the atmosphere through aerosolization under controlled laboratory conditions
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A robust method to automatically detect fin whale acoustic presence in large and diverse passive acoustic datasets
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A Video Plankton Recorder user guide : lessons learned from in situ plankton imaging in shallow and turbid coastal waters in the Belgian part of the North Sea
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The Green Edge cruise : investigating the marginal ice zone processes during late spring and early summer to understand the fate of the Arctic phytoplankton bloom