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Nasality in homosexual men : a comparison with heterosexual men and women
Influence of gender and age on the Nasality Severity Index 2.0 in Dutch-speaking Flemish children and adults
Delayed primary palatal closure in resource-poor countries : speech results in Ugandan older children and young adults with cleft (lip and) palate
The Nasality Severity Index 2.0 : revision of an objective multiparametric approach to hypernasality
The relationship between the Nasality Severity Index 2.0 and perceptual judgments of hypernasality
Short-term and long-term test-retest reliability of the Nasality Severity Index 2.0
Instrumental assessment of velopharyngeal function and resonance: a review
Effects of age and gender in normal-speaking children on the nasality severity index: an objective multiparametric approach to hypernasality
Objective assessment of nasality in Flemish adults with neurofibromatosis type 1
The nasality severity index: an objective measure of hypernasality based on a multiparameter approach: a pilot study