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Group research : why are we throwing away the best of our observations?
Retained for life : a longitudinal study on the effects of grade retention in secondary education on higher education enrollment and self-efficacy
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- open access
When and how developmental rewards and expected contributions relate to emotional exhaustion through work engagement : the multilevel moderating role of the leader’s work pressure
Participation in extracurricular leisure activities among primary school pupils : effects of ethnic-cultural background, gender and school diversity
Understanding the gender gap in school (dis)engagement from three gender dimensions : the individual, the interactional and the institutional
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- open access
Institutionalizing voluntary blood donation : explaining the cross-national variance in the approval of paid blood or plasma donation in Europe
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Institutional logics and founders' identity orientation : why academic entrepreneurs aspire lower venture growth
- Journal Article
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- open access
The impact of weather conditions on everyday cycling with different bike types in parents of young children participating in the CARTOBIKE randomized controlled trial
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- open access
Exploring the user base of online neighborhood networks : determinants of online neighborhood network membership and uses
Institutional racism within the securitization of migration : the case of family reunification in Belgium