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Zelfcompassie versus uiterlijke focus : de impact van fitfluencerboodschappen op de lichaamstevredenheid en sportintenties van jongvolwassenen
- Journal Article
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- open access
The human affectome
The life cycles of counterfactual mood in early Indo-European languages
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- open access
Optimism as a key factor in coping with the common cold
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- open access
Attention and interpretation bias modification transfers to memory bias : testing the combined cognitive bias hypothesis
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- open access
The impact of Insubordination on the history of Greek : cross-linguistic connections, morphosyntactic innovations and pragmatic spread in the modal system
Multidisciplinary and multimodal interventions for depressive and anxiety disorders : a single-arm meta-analysis
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Fostering metacognitive activities during job search : the Three Good Job Search Things intervention
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- open access
#workoutathome : how instructions in the captions of fitfluencers’ posts impact adolescents’ body satisfaction and intention to exercise
- Journal Article
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Working it out : can an acute exercise bout alleviate memory bias, rumination and negative mood?