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Effect of contact stress and slip amplitude on fretting fatigue behaviour of ultrasonic surface nanocrystallized TC11 titanium alloy
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- open access
Thermal relaxation of compressive residual stresses in surface gradient nanostructure of TC11 titanium alloy
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On the potential correlation between dynamic strain aging and liquid metal embrittlement in T91/LBE system
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An overview of estimations for the high-cycle fatigue strength of conventionally manufactured steels based on other mechanical properties
Characterisation of hydride formation in as-built and heat treated laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V
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An experimental investigation on the relation between corrosion and thermohydraulic behavior in heat exchangers for geothermal applications
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The effects of strain rate and anisotropy on the formability and mechanical behaviour of aluminium alloy 2024-T3
Multiscale evaluation of hydrogen-assisted mechanical degradation in grade 2 titanium
- Journal Article
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A review of the efficiency of self-healing concrete technologies for durable and sustainable concrete under realistic conditions
- Journal Article
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Linking simulated polycrystalline thin film microstructures to physical vapor deposition conditions