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Beni fiscali e crescita economica medievale : alcune considerazioni
Richard of Saint-Vanne (c.970-14 June 1046)
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To receive ‘the best form and example of living’ : ascetic instruction in the Life of John of Gorze
Lotharingian reforms of the 10th and early 11th centuries
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In omni terra potestatis mei : discours, macht en legitieme autoriteit in de oorkonden van de hertogen van Brabant (1106-1248)
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- open access
Reformist hagiography : the life of St Roding of Beaulieu and the struggle for power in early eleventh-Century Lotharingia
Identité collective et mémoire des réformes 'Lotharingiennes' dans l'historiographie bénédictine en Basse Lotharingie et au Nord-Est de la France (11ième-12ième siècles)