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Are bad leaders indeed bad for employees? A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies between destructive leadership and employee outcomes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Longitudinal changes in preschoolers’ adiposity indicators according to compliance with 24-hour movement behavior guidelines : results from the ToyBox-study
Exploring the longitudinal development of lexical and syntactic complexity in young L2 English learners’ speaking
Motivational pathways underlying gifted underachievement : trajectory classes, longitudinal outcomes, and predicting factors
- Journal Article
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- open access
Contemporary methodological considerations for key issues in research on personality disorder development
- Journal Article
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- open access
Patterns of PrEP and condom use among PrEP users in Belgium : a web-based longitudinal study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Changes in (poly)phenols intake and metabolic syndrome risk over ten years from adolescence to adulthood
Better speech outcomes after very early palatal repair? A longitudinal case-control study in Ugandan children with cleft palate
- Journal Article
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- open access
A multi-exposure approach to study telomere dynamics in childhood : a role for residential green space and waist circumference
Gender-affirming hormonal treatment changes neural processing of emotions in trans men : an fMRI study