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The lighthouse function of social law : proceedings of the ISLSSL XIV European Regional Congress Ghent 2023
Yves Jorens (UGent)(2023) -
Het arbeidsrecht als antidotum tegen de heerschappij van het kapitaal? Kroniek van een ontgoocheling
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
COVID-19 and Labour Law : Belgium
López Ribalda and Others v. Spain – covert surveillance in the workplace: attenuating the protection of privacy for employees
Introduction to Belgian labour law
(2016) -
Human rights and the employment relation: freedom of expression at work
Internal market and euro crisis: labour law under the gun of the European Union?
Flexicurity and the European globalisation adjustment fund: propaganda or panacea?
(2009) European Union internal market and labour law : friends or foes?. In Social Europe Series 19. p.105-135 -
European Union internal market and labour law: friends or foes?
Marc De Vos (UGent)(2009) 19. -
Sociaal Compendium Arbeidsrecht met fiscale notities 2002-2003
(2002) II.