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Early decline of androgen levels in healthy adult men : an effect of aging per se? A prospective cohort study
Increasing the cAMP concentration during in vitro maturation of pig oocytes improves cumulus maturation and subsequent fertilization in vitro
Ad libitum feeding during the peripartal period affects body condition, reproduction results and metabolism of sows
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Effect of a GnRH analogue (Maprelin) on the reproductive performance of gilts and sows
Comparison of early versus late initiation of GnRH antagonist co-treatment for controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF: a randomized controlled trial
Early initiation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist treatment results in a more stable endocrine milieu during the mid- and late-follicular phases: a randomized controlled trial comparing gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist initiation on cycle day 2 or 6
Difference in receptor-binding contributes to difference in biological activity between the unique guinea pig GnRH and mammalian GnRH
Spermatogonial stem cell preservation in boys with Klinefelter syndrome: to bank or not to bank, that's the question
Further evaluation of the biological activity of the unique gonadotropin-releasing hormone peptide in the guinea pig brain
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Hyperadrenocorticisme bij de fret: een overzicht van de huidige kennis aan de hand van twee klinische cases