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Assessing and improving the robustness of Bayesian evidential learning in one dimension for inverting time-domain electromagnetic data : introducing a new threshold procedure
Extended abstracts MWCAPDE 2023 : Methusalem workshop on classical analysis and partial differential equations
Michael Ruzhansky (UGent) and Berikbol Torebek (UGent) -
- Journal Article
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Magnetic nanoparticles in theranostic applications
- Journal Article
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Active demagnetization fault compensation for axial flux permanent-magnet synchronous machines using an analytical inverse model
- Journal Article
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Identification of an unknown spatial load distribution in a vibrating beam or plate from the final state
Determination of isotope ratio in the divertor of JET-ILW by high-resolution H alpha spectroscopy: H-D experiment and implications for D-T experiment
On a class of inverse problems for a heat equation with involution perturbation
- Journal Article
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Analysis and selection of harmonics sensitive to demagnetisation faults intended for condition monitoring of double rotor axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machines
Fuzzy approaches to option price modeling
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GASPACHO : a generic automatic solver using proximal algorithms for convex Huge optimization problems