Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Download search results Subscribe to news feed Your filters: cql: keyword exact "Industrial chicory" Add to list Journal Article A1 open access Industrial chicory genome gives insights into the molecular timetable of anther development and male sterility Evelien Waegneer, Stephane Rombauts (UGent) , Joost Baert, Nicolas Dauchot, Annick De Keyser (UGent) , Tom Eeckhaut, Annelies Haegeman (UGent) , Chang Liu, Olivier Maudoux, Christine Notté, et al. (2023) FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 14. Add to list Journal Article A1 Cichorium intybus L. × Cicerbita alpina Walbr. : doubled haploid chicory induction and CENH3 characterization Jeroen Van der Veken, Tom Eeckhaut, Joost Baert, Tom Ruttink (UGent) , Olivier Maudoux, Stefaan Werbrouck (UGent) and Johan Van Huylenbroeck (2019) EUPHYTICA. 215(7).