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Study of the effect of defects on fatigue life prediction of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V by combined use of micro-computed tomography and fracture-mechanics-based simulation
A hybrid forecasting model to predict the duration and cost performance of projects with Bayesian Networks
A genetic algorithm with resource buffers for the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem
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Upgrading analytical models to predict the onset of degradation in selective laser sintering
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Modeling of a catalytic fluidized bed reactor via coupled CFD-DEM with MGM : from intra-particle scale to reactor scale
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The role of injection method on residual trapping at the pore-scale in continuum-scale samples
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Effect of reactor alloy composition on coke formation during butane and ethane steam cracking
- Journal Article
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Durability of CFRP strengthened RC beam after six years exposure to natural hygrothermal environment with sustained loads
- Journal Article
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Discrete wavelet transform based processing of embroidered textile-electrode electromyography signal acquired with load and pressure effect
Analysis of the impact of corrective actions for stochastic project networks