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Analysis of scapular kinematics and muscle activity by use of fine-wire electrodes during shoulder exercises
Conventional versus direct magnetic resonance imaging in detecting labral lesions in femoroacetabular impingment - a retrospective multicenter study.
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Spine-hip relations in patients with hip osteoarthritis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Motor control training for the shoulder with smart garments
Relationship between extrinsic factors and the acromio-humeral distance
Upper quadrant field tests and isokinetic upper limb strength in overhead athletes
Dwyer-Osteotomie : laterale Verschiebeosteotomie des Kalkaneus
Asymptomatic elite adolescent tennis players' signs of tendinosis in their dominant shoulder compared with their nondominant shoulder
Can a tibial tunnel in ACL surgery be placed anatomically without impinging on the femoral notch?: a risk factor analysis
Shoulder muscle activation levels during four closed kinetic chain exercises with and without Redcord slings