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Photonic network-on-wafer for multichiplet GPUs
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Smart textiles to promote multidisciplinary stem training
(2019) TEXTEH 9, Advanced textiles for a better world, Proceedings. In TexTeh Proceedings 9. p.174-177 -
Ultrathin optoelectronic device packaging in flexible carriers
Law via the internet: free access to law and judicial decisions; solutions and challenges from a Belgian viewpoint
- Conference Paper
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Accurate study of the electromagnetic and circuit behavior of finite conducting wedges and interconnects with arbitrary cross-sections
Embedded micromirror inserts for optical Printed Circuit Boards
Coupling structures for out-of-plane coupling in optical PCBs
Prototyping micro-optical components with integrated out-of-plane coupling structures using deep lithography with protons: art. no. 618504
(2006) Proceedings of the society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers (SPIE). 6185. p.18504-18504