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Towards a multifaceted measure of perceived legitimacy of participatory governance
(2024) GOVERNANCE. -
Vocabulary of reading materials in English and French L2 textbooks : a cross-lingual corpus study
- Journal Article
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The impact of input, input repetition, and task repetition on L2 lexical use and fluency in speaking
- Journal Article
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- open access
Can filled pauses be represented as linguistic items? Investigating the effect of exposure on the perception and production of um
- Journal Article
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A detailed note on the finite-buffer queueing system with correlated batch-arrivals and batch-size-/phase-dependent bulk-service
- Journal Article
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Formal versus informal L2 learning : how do individual differences and word-related variables influence french and English L2 vocabulary learning in Dutch-speaking children?
The ‘certain’ returns from expenditures for ‘uncertain’ activities : a local multiplier approach to evaluate regional R&I policy
Incidental vocabulary learning through viewing video : the role of vocabulary knowledge and working memory
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- open access
Evolutionary-based sparse regression for the experimental identification of duffing oscillator
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Language abilities in bilingual children : the effect of family background and language exposure on the development of Turkish and Dutch