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Trapped in hope : the negative impact of hope on gambling decisions
The impact of center volume on the utilization and outcomes of machine perfusion technology in liver transplantation : an international survey
The trajectory of hope and loneliness in rectal cancer survivors with major low anterior resection syndrome : a qualitative study
Impossible futures? The ambivalent temporalities of grassroots humanitarian action
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Afrikaans adaptation of the children’s hope scale : validation and measurement invariance
Moving forward : the effectiveness of online apologies framed with hope on negative behavioural intentions in crises
Associated factors of hope in cancer patients during treatment : a systematic literature review
Preliminary structural validation of the Afrikaans version of the Children's Hope Scale
Health professionals’ dealing with hope in palliative patients with cancer, an explorative qualitative research
- Book Chapter
- open access
Social History Portal en het project Heritage of People’s Europe (HOPE) : het preserveren van een gezamenlijke inspanning