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Am I winning or losing? Probing the appraisal of partial wins via response vigor
Learning where to be flexible : using environmental cues to regulate cognitive control
- Journal Article
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- open access
Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic : an international survey
Testing an online program to foster need crafting during the COVID-19 pandemic
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- open access
Exploring attitudes toward 'sugar relationships' across 87 countries : a global perspective on exchanges of resources for sex and companionship
On the conceptual grounds of subjective rectification : responsibility, choice, and freedom in Lacanian psychoanalysis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Does threat trigger prosociality? The relation between basic individual values, threat appraisals, and prosocial helping intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic
When the father is more than just a signifier : Lacan’s later work on the father-function in psychosis
Self-regulation profiles in addictive behaviors among adolescents : a transdiagnostic approach
Hontologie : a Lacanian theory of shame