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Three decades of EU climate policy : racing toward climate neutrality?
Understanding political learning by scientific experts : a case of EU climate policy
Policy expertise in times of crisis
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Is the grass greener on the other side? Benchmarking Covid-19 vaccine procurement against the British experience
Does urban polycentricity contribute to regional economic growth? Empirical evidence from a panel of Chinese urban regions
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Understanding organizational identity in universities : unravelling autonomy, governance and leadership in the case of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Through the looking glass? Lessons from party Europeanisation in Denmark
English-medium instruction in international bio-science engineering programs in Vietnam : incentivization, support, and discretion in a context of academic consolidation
Googling religious guidance : digitally renegotiated lay–ascetic relations in contemporary Jainism
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Policy learning and the COVID‐19 crisis : a systematic review of scholarship and key lessons for research and practice