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Age-based restrictions on reproductive care : discerning the arbitrary from the necessary
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Trust in algorithmic decision-making systems in health : a comparison between ada health and IBM Watson Oncology
Avoiding the cost of your conscience : belief dependent preferences and information acquisition
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Antecedents of corruption perception in Guyana
Maximal fairness
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Conceptualizing fairness in the secondary use of health data for research : a scoping review
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A pessimist’s approach to one-sided matching
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Privacy-preserving fair item ranking
(2023) ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, ECIR 2023, PT II. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13981. p.188-203 -
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Delegation to artificial agents fosters prosocial behaviors in the collective risk dilemma
Introduction to International Journal of Testing special issue on equity and fairness in testing and assessment in school admissions