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Psychological science and its societal mission during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic : the Motivation Barometer as an evidence‐informed policy instrument in Belgium
Disclosing the 'Big C' : what does cancer survivorship signal to employers?
Internships, hiring outcomes and underlying mechanisms : a stated preferences experiment
- Journal Article
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- open access
The role of dyadic sexual desire similarity in predicting sexual behaviors in cohabitating couples : an ecological momentary assessment study
The psychological impact of genetic testing in childhood cancer : a systematic review
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- open access
Western ideals and global realities : physiotherapists' views on factors that play a role in ethical decision-making : an international qualitative analysis
Self-disorders in schizophrenia as disorders of transparency : an exploratory account
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Development, feasibility, and knowledge impact of a massive open online course on radiation safety : a multicentric prospective cohort study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Computerized cognitive control training to reduce rumination in major depression : a randomized controlled trial
Sweet victory, bitter defeat : the amplifying effects of affective and perceived ideological polarization on the winner–loser gap in political support