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Living up to expectations? EU politicization and party Europeanization in Flanders and the Netherlands
Through the looking glass? Lessons from party Europeanisation in Denmark
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
National parties as multilevel organizations in the EU : a comparative case study of Flanders, Denmark and the Netherlands
Deliverable D1.3 : patterns in movie production, distribution and consumption
(2021) In Eumeplat reports -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Conceptualizing the parliamentarization and politicization of European policies
- Book Chapter
- open access
Local government outside local boundaries : rescaling municipalities, redesigning provinces and local level Europeanization
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Formele bestuurslaag of informele belangengroep? Een literatuurstudie over de rol en invloed van lokale besturen in het Europese multilevel governance systeem
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Processes and patterns of urban Europeanisation : evidence from the EUROCITIES network
'Veni, vidi, … vici?' EU performance and two faces of conditionality towards Ukraine
Concluding comments: when international, European and domestic influences collide