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The Etruscan family : a qualitative and quantitative approach to Hellenistic burials and epigraphy
(2022) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Funerary transformations in an Etrusco-Italic community : social display and austerity in hellenistic Chiusi
Transport amphorae and phoenician-punic Sardinian pottery
The first chapter of the Cortona inscription
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Pyrgi B et la rédaction de la Tabula Cortonensis
I morfemi –(a)th e –(u)c/ch nei termini delle magistrature etrusche
Forme verbali nella Tabula Cortonensis
Verbo etrusco: ricerca morfosintattica delle forme usate in funzione verbale
(2000) 20.