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The reintroduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) in the upper Scheldt river basin (Flanders, Belgium) : success or failure?
Phosphorus analysis of floodplain sediments to reconstruct human impact and pristine conditions in a lowland river
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Landslides, bedrock incision and human-induced environmental changes in an extremely rapidly formed tropical river gorge
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Soil-forming factors of high-elevation mountains along the East African rift valley : the case of the Mount Guna volcano, Ethiopia
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Mitigating glyphosate levels in surface waters : long-term assessment in an agricultural catchment in Belgium
Sediment source analysis in the Korabelny Stream catchment, King George Island, maritime Antarctica : geomorphological survey, fingerprinting and delivery rate assessment
Vertical growth rate of planted vegetation controls dune growth on a sandy beach
Impact of soil and water conservation structures on the spatial variability of topsoil moisture content and crop productivity in semi-arid Ethiopia
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- open access
A comprehensive evaluation of satellite-based and reanalysis soil moisture products over the upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
- Journal Article
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Quantifying frost-weathering-induced damage in alpine rocks