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Exploring work absences and return to work during social transition and following gender-affirming care, a mixed-methods approach : 'bridging support actors through literacy'
Experiences of patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis : a mixed-methods study of the insider's perspective
Exploring teacher–parent relationships in times of Covid-19 : teachers’ expectations and parental home-schooling strategies in a Flemish context
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Factors and processes facilitating recovery from coercion in mental health services : a meta-ethnography
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Interprofessional education for healthcare professionals : a BEME realist review of what works, why, for whom and in what circumstances in undergraduate health sciences education : BEME Guide No. 83
Tilting at windmills : a qualitative study about family caregiver interactions and perceptions in forensic mental health care
Test anxiety fluctuations during low-stakes secondary school assessments : the role of the needs for autonomy and competence over and above the number of tests
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Fertility clinics have a duty of care towards patients who do not have children with treatment
The roles and experiences of adolescents with cystic fibrosis and their parents during transition : a qualitative interview study
'A sincere ‘how are you?’ is already a sign of acknowledgement that you're there too.' : interview study on the support needs of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) living with a parent with cancer