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Suspicion of ADHD by teachers in relation to their perception of students’ cognitive capacities : do cognitively strong students escape verdict?
Too anxious to be confident? A panel longitudinal study into the interplay of mathematics anxiety and metacognitive monitoring in arithmetic achievement
Peer victimization trajectories at the adolescent transition : associations among chronic victimization, peer-reported status, and adjustment
'It 'texts' two to tango' : video-based analysis of interaction in 6th grade peer-assisted writing dyads
An experiment on the impact of coaches’ and athlete leaders’ competence support on athletes’ motivation and performance
Ethnic school segregation and self-esteem: the role of teacher-pupil relationships
Beïnvloedende factoren van ouderbetrokkenheid: een empirische studie in traditionele en methodescholen
Academic self-efficacy and academic self-concept: reconsidering structural relationships