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The aspiration to stay : a global analysis
The bridging role of social work : the quest towards installing a structural approach within primary health care = De brugfunctie van sociaal werk : de zoektocht naar een structurele aanpak in de eerstelijnszorg
Law and economic behaviour
Protecting an artificial savanna as a nature-based solution to restore carbon and biodiversity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Factors affecting farmers’ acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops : a systematic review
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Home-delivered meal boxes in a family setting : a qualitative study investigating reasons for use and perceived impact on meal practices
Utilization of home- and community-based services among older adults worldwide : a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Does livestock-crop diversification improve food and nutrition security? Evidence from Eastern Ethiopia
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The effects of discourse coherence on the persistence of sentence structures
Global migration and the role of terrorist attacks