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- Journal Article
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Time-dependent complexity characterisation of activity patterns in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Theories in landscape ecology : an overview of theoretical contributions merging spatial, ecological and social logics in the study of cultural landscapes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Healthcare teams as complex adaptive systems : understanding team behaviour through team members’ perception of interpersonal interaction
Unravelling the Flemish mobility orgware: the transition towards a sustainable mobility from an actor-network perspective
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Emergent adaptive behaviour of GRN-controlled simulated robots in a changing environment
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management
Exploring appropriate livelihood alternatives for sustainable rangeland management
Innovation in the elderly care sector: at the edge of chaos
Innovation in the elderly care sector: at the edge of chaos