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Testing three new scoring methods to identify detained adolescent girls with elevated levels of callous-unemotional traits
The incremental usefulness of teacher-rated psychopathic traits in 5- to 7-year olds in predicting teacher-, parent-, and child self-reported antisocial behavior at a six-year follow-up
Testing the utility of the psychopathy construct for predicting criminal recidivism among detained girls
Psychopathic traits, treatment engagement, and their interrelation in criminal justice-involved boys : a cross-sectional network analysis
Psychopathic personality configurations in early childhood : a response to Dvoskin et al. (2022)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The DSM-5 Limited Prosocial Emotions specifier for conduct disorder : comorbid problems, prognosis, and antecedents
Psychiatric disorders and future violent arrests : a prospective study among detained girls
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The DSM-5 with limited prosocial emotions specifier for conduct disorder : a systematic literature review
Reaction time variability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : is increased reaction time variability specific to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Testing predictions from the default-mode interference hypothesis
Children with early-onset disruptive behavior : parental mental disorders predict poor psychosocial functioning in adolescence