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Post-Soviet power hierarchies in the making : postcolonialism in Tajikistan’s relations with Russia
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Mesozoic thermo-tectonic evolution of the Western Altai orogenic belt (NW China) : insights from low-temperature thermochronology
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Can gross Primary Productivity Products be effectively evaluated in regions with few observation data?
Snowfall climatology in the Tianshan Mountains based on 36 cold seasons of WRF dynamical downscaling simulation
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Assessment of three long-term satellite-based precipitation estimates against ground observations for drought characterization in northwestern China
Impacts of climate change and evapotranspiration on shrinkage of Aral Sea
Mesozoic intracontinental orogeny in the tectonic history of the Kolyvan’– Tomsk folded zone (Southern Siberia) : a synthesis of geological data and results of apatite fission track analysis
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The EU’s hegemonic interventions in the South Caucasus : constructing ‘civil’ society, depoliticising human rights?
An integrated assessment of runoff dynamics in the Amu Darya River Basin : confronting climate change and multiple human activities, 1960–2017
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Analysis of the impacts of environmental factors on rat hole density in the northern slope of the Tienshan Mountains with satellite remote sensing data