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The beginning of the Iron Age south of the Congo rainforest : the first archaeological investigations around Idiofa (Congo), c. 146 BC - AD 1648
Le projet BantuFirst : rapport sur les recherches de terrain archéologiques le long du bas Kasaï dans les provinces du Kwilu et du Mai-Ndombe (RDC)
Language and archaeology
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The proto-West-Coastal Bantu velar merger
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Untangling the West-Coastal Bantu mess : identification, geography and phylogeny of the Bantu B50-80 languages
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
A historical-linguistic approach to the subsistence of the first Bantu speakers south of the rainforest : the banana case
- Book Chapter
- open access
Were the first Bantu speakers south of the rainforest farmers? A first assessment of the linguistic evidence
The reconstruction of subsistence-related vocabulary in Proto-West Coastal Bantu
(2016) -
Middle to late holocene paleoclimatic change and the early Bantu expansion in the rain forests of Western Central Africa
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Introducing a state-of-the-art phylogenetic classification of the Kikongo Language Cluster