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The added value of CoreVESS score and penetration resistance in predicting the soil-water retention curve
Opening up the subsoil : subsoiling and bio-subsoilers to remediate subsoil compaction in three fodder crop rotations on a sandy loam soil
Organization of the soil profile controls the risks of runoff in the humid Ethiopian Highlands
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Combined heat and mass transfer associated with kinetics models for analyzing convective stepwise drying of carrot cubes
Comparison of statistical regression and data-mining techniques in estimating soil water retention of tropical delta soils
Enhancing modelled water content by dielectric permittivity in stony soils
Enhanced pedotransfer functions with support vector machines to predict water retention of calcareous soil
Application of an on-line sensor to map soil packing density for site specific cultivation
Performance evaluation of pedotransfer functions to predict field capacity and permanent wilting point using UNSODA and HYPRES datasets
Evaluation of soil water retention pedotransfer functions for Vietnamese Mekong Delta soils