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Extensional exhumation of cratons : insights from the Early Cretaceous Rio Negro–Juruena belt (Amazonian Craton, Colombia)
Relating differential crustal architecture to passive margin evolution : a case study from the Colatina Fracture Zone (SE Brazil) using apatite fission‐track thermochronology
Late Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the northern Tarim block : new insights from integrated detrital zircon and rutile geochronology and trace element geochemistry
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- open access
Differential Phanerozoic evolution of cratonic and non-cratonic lithosphere from a thermochronological perspective : São Francisco Craton and marginal orogens (Brazil)
The Neoproterozoic Upper Ruvubu alkaline plutonic complex (Burundi) revisited : large-scale syntectonic emplacement, magmatic differentiation and late-stage circulations of fluids
Petrography, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon age of the Matongo carbonatite Massif (Burundi) : implication for the Neoproterozoic geodynamic evolution of Central Africa
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- A1
- open access
CFD study of droplet atomisation using a binary nozzle in fluidised bed coating
Physical and chemical limnology of alpine lakes and pools in the Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda-DR Congo)