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Well-being amid (im)mobility struggles : youth’s experiences in Casamance, Senegal
- Journal Article
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- open access
'That way there are no surprises in the end' : the cooling out function of reception education for newly arrived migrant students in Flanders
A search for the determinants of students' educational expectations for higher education in four European cities : the role of school SES composition and student engagement
- Journal Article
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- open access
How do late adults experience meaning during the COVID-19 lockdown? The role of intrinsic goals
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Transnational lived citizenship : the case of the Eritrean diaspora
Engagement of academics in university technology transfer : opportunity and necessity academic entrepreneurship
Breaking free from tradition : women, national service and migration in Eritrea
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The aspirations of Afghan unaccompanied refugee minors before departure and at arrival in the host country
Different foreseeable futures? The influence of background characteristics and school features on primary school pupils' aspirations for secondary education
Tracking and school-year working as a response to feelings of futility: consequences for educational attainment and aspirations: a Flemish study