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Effect of simultaneous dietary supplementation of betaine, selenomethionine, and vitamins E and C under summer conditions in growing-finishing pigs
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Characterizing the formation of process contaminants during coffee roasting by multivariate statistical analysis
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GDP-mannose 3,5-epimerase : a view on structure, mechanism, and industrial potential
- Journal Article
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Effects of the dietary zinc source and vitamin E level on live weight and carcass yield and meat quality in male broilers reared under chronic cyclic heat stress conditions in the finisher phase
- Journal Article
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Dehydroascorbate induces plant resistance in rice against rootâknot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola
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Possibilities of modified atmosphere packaging to prevent the occurrence of internal fruit rot in bell pepper fruit (Capsicum annuum) caused by Fusarium spp
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Obtaining salt stress-tolerant eggplant somaclonal variants from in vitro selection
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Molecular insights into the compatible and incompatible interactions between sugar beet and the beet cyst nematode
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Glucocorticoids in sepsis : to be or not to be
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Synergistic antimicrobial activity of supplemented medical-grade honey against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and eradication