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The development of the Broaching Assessment Scale : a client-rated measure of therapists’ broaching behaviour in clinical counselling
Good-enough care? How patients’ perceptions of counselors’ professional skills relate to everyday life in forensic long-stay units
Uncovering patterns in perceived therapist behaviour : a latent profile analysis of broaching experiences among ethnic minority group member clients
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Discursive angles on the relationship in psychotherapy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Signal strength, media attention, and resource mobilization : evidence from new private equity firms
Responding to self-criticism in psychotherapy
Change processes underlying 'good outcome' : a qualitative study on recovered and improved patients’ experiences in psychotherapy for major depression
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Change in family therapy : accomplishing authoritative and moral positions through interaction
Factors shaping non-stop airline services in the transatlantic air transport market : 2015-2017
NATO burden sharing in Libya : a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis